Braun Ambulances Blog

Dates Announced for our Annual Service Instruction Course

September 13, 2012

Having a knowledgeable service team ready to serve you is a critical part of keeping your ambulance up and running. Each year, Braun Industries sponsors a free Service Instruction Course to educate dealer and department service technicians and keep them at the forefront of maintaining their Braun units. The Annual Service Instruction Course will be held October 23-25, 2012 at Braun's headquarters, located at 1170 Production Drive, Van Wert, OH 45891.

This three full-day session will include troubleshooting clinics, vendor seminars, plant tours, and a detailed question and answer session. The cost of the class is covered by Braun Industries and supported by our awesome vendors! Breakfast and lunch will be provided daily. Attendees are required to cover only their travel, lodging and dinners.

As mentioned, the service course is open to our dealers and customers. If you are interested in attending, contact a member of our Service Team at 877-647-9005. We recommend you contact us early to reserve your spot.  

The ongoing support from our vendor network plays a key role in allowing us to continue to offer our Annual Service Instruction Course at no cost to participants. We'd like to thank and congratulate Federal Signal for being our first vendor to confirm their participation in this year's class. Federal Signal is a leader in audible and visual signaling and Digital In-Car video. We will announce additional vendors to our blog as they confirm.

To learn more about what's covered at the course, check out the blog wrap up from last year's session.

Posted by Braun Ambulances

Tagged for: Events, Service & Maintenance


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