Once we pass FDIC, our show season shifts to more regional events until late summer when we head to IAFC Fire-Rescue International. That means we partner up with our national dealer network to offer support at their local events, sending our...
Read MoreTagged for: About Braun Industries, Braun Ambulance Dealers, Eric Wilcox, Events, exhibits, fire expo, glick fire equipment, harrisburg, Industry News, pa, pennsylvania, regional events, regional sales manager, trade shows

Braun Ambulances “On the Road” – February 2016 Events
February is a packed month for us, with several tradeshows being attended by our dealerships and our sales managers directly. We’ll have representatives at Firehouse World, the Alabama Association of Fire Chiefs Mid-Winter Conference, Long Island...
Read MoreTagged for: About Braun Industries, alabama association of fire chiefs mid-winter conf, Chad Brown, EMS Today, Eric Wilcox, Events, firehouse world, jarret hammons, long island fire & ems mega show, south carolina emergency care symposium, JEMS