Over the last forty years, we’ve had the pleasure of working with departments large and small, public and private, from East to West. We serve some of the country’s most well-known departments, and Boston EMS is a great example. Since 2000, we’ve...
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Braun Ambulances “On the Road” – February 2016 Events
February is a packed month for us, with several tradeshows being attended by our dealerships and our sales managers directly. We’ll have representatives at Firehouse World, the Alabama Association of Fire Chiefs Mid-Winter Conference, Long Island...
Read MoreTagged for: About Braun Industries, alabama association of fire chiefs mid-winter conf, Chad Brown, EMS Today, Eric Wilcox, Events, firehouse world, jarret hammons, long island fire & ems mega show, south carolina emergency care symposium, JEMS
It’s the start of a new year and a new show season. The first quarter of 2016 is packed with events and we’re excited to hit the road to meet up with you in person. We’re kicking things off in January with our Florida and Georgia dealership, Ten-8...
Read MoreTagged for: About Braun Industries, conferences, Events, Fire Rescue East, florida, Ten-8 Fire Equipment, Tradeshows
It’s been several months now since Change Notice #8 went into effect… and if you don’t know what that means, it’s time to get caught up. Ambulance safety is our top priority at Braun Industries. It’s often the defining factor that separates us from...
Read MoreTagged for: Ambulance Safety, ambulance specifications, change notice 7, change notice 8, Industry News, nfpa 1917, triple k, Ambulance Education, KKK
Tagged for: About Braun Industries, awards, Awards, Bridgewater State University, ems world, EMT, EMT of the Year, Events, Glen Anderson, naemt
Tagged for: About Braun Industries, Ambulance Service/Maintenance, awards ceremony, Braun Ambulance Dealers, comitment winners, dealer of the year, Events, gold dealers, presidents club, sales champions, silver dealers, Ambulance Education
Tagged for: About Braun Industries, annual sales meeting, Braun Ambulance Dealers, Dealer Awards, Events, Ambulance Education, Ambulance Models
Tagged for: About Braun Industries, Ambulance Service, Ambulance Service/Maintenance, ambulance training, braun service, braun training, Service & Maintenance, Ambulance Education, Ambulance Maintenance
Hi-Tech Emergency Vehicle Service Announced as New Braun Ambulance Dealer for California
Tagged for: About Braun Industries, Braun Ambulance Dealers, california, hi-tech
Braun Industries is in Atlanta, Georgia this week for the IAFC’s Fire-Rescue International 2015. Braun representatives and dealers will be in Booth #2123 on Friday (August 28th) and Saturday (August 29th) during open exhibit hall hours. Attendees...
Read MoreTagged for: Braun Ambulance Dealers, customer appreciation, Events, fri 2015, IAFC, Industry News, shakers session, Ten-8 Fire Equipment, vip