It’s finally here! It’s FDIC week and we are so excited to get out to Indianapolis to catch up with members of our national dealer network and customers old and new. As a reminder, we’ll be in Booth #3665 inside the Indiana Convention Center. FDIC...
Read MoreTagged for: About Braun Industries, Ambulance Safety, Crash Testing, Events, fdic 2016, Ambulance Education

We're packing up packing up promotional items and emergency vehicles to head to FDIC 2016–the world’s largest fire and emergency services training-based conference and exhibition. The Fire Department Instructors Conference will take place in...
Read MoreTagged for: About Braun Industries, Ambulance Safety, Crash Testing, Events, fdic 2016, Industry News, ambulance crash test, ambulance rollover
Next week is FDIC 2016 and we are so excited for it! As always, we’ll have customer units on display and sales representatives from Braun direct and our national dealer network in Booth #3665. However, this year’s show will have a unique twist for...
Read MoreTagged for: About Braun Industries, Ambulance Safety, Crash Testing, Events, fdic 2016, rollover test, sae test, ambulance crash test, ambulance crash testing, Ambulance Education, Ambulance Innovations, ambulance rollover
Braun Ambulances Is Growing: Welcome, Dennis Gallo
The Braun Industries team is growing. In fact, we’ve extended the Braun “family” to include 258 employees! Expanding our workforce has meant creating new positions to oversee them and/or our processes, and we are so pleased we’ve found some amazing...
Read MoreTagged for: About Braun Industries, customer service, dennis gallo, Employment, quality
Braun Industries is growing and improving, and as such, we’ve made a strategic investment to develop what we call our Braun Performance Excellence System. Overseen by Vice President of Quality, Dennis Gallo, the Braun Performance Excellence System...
Read MoreTagged for: About Braun Industries, Ambulance Safety, bpes, braun performance excellence system, continuous improvement, customer service, dennis gallo, quality assurance, Service & Maintenance
At Braun Industries, a huge part of our success is our incredible dealer network. We work with over twenty dealerships and thirty service centers nationwide to sell, deliver, and maintain our ambulances. In fact, we’ve been working with some of our...
Read MoreTagged for: About Braun Industries, annual sales meeting, Awards, Braun Ambulance Dealers, Dealer Awards, Events, new orleans, nola ems, presidents club
Over the last forty years, we’ve had the pleasure of working with departments large and small, public and private, from East to West. We serve some of the country’s most well-known departments, and Boston EMS is a great example. Since 2000, we’ve...
Read MoreTagged for: About Braun Industries, boston, boston ems, Chief XL, Customer Spotlight, hgac buy, Liberty
Braun Ambulances “On the Road” – February 2016 Events
February is a packed month for us, with several tradeshows being attended by our dealerships and our sales managers directly. We’ll have representatives at Firehouse World, the Alabama Association of Fire Chiefs Mid-Winter Conference, Long Island...
Read MoreTagged for: About Braun Industries, alabama association of fire chiefs mid-winter conf, Chad Brown, EMS Today, Eric Wilcox, Events, firehouse world, jarret hammons, long island fire & ems mega show, south carolina emergency care symposium, JEMS
It’s the start of a new year and a new show season. The first quarter of 2016 is packed with events and we’re excited to hit the road to meet up with you in person. We’re kicking things off in January with our Florida and Georgia dealership, Ten-8...
Read MoreTagged for: About Braun Industries, conferences, Events, Fire Rescue East, florida, Ten-8 Fire Equipment, Tradeshows
Tagged for: About Braun Industries, awards, Awards, Bridgewater State University, ems world, EMT, EMT of the Year, Events, Glen Anderson, naemt