While “May the fourth be with you,” is a popular phrase for May 4th each year, a lesser known designation for the day is International Firefighters Day. Each year on May 4th, we honor firefighters by remembering those that have died serving their...
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This is it! FDIC 2018 is here, and we cannot wait to get to Indianapolis and kickoff the expo on Thursday, April 26, 2018. As a reminder, Braun will have 5 ambulance units on display throughout the Indiana Convention Center; the Braun booth will be...
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We’re so excited to be heading out to FDIC in Indianapolis next week! FDIC is held at the Indiana Convention Center and Lucas Oil Stadium each year and is the largest firefighter conference and expo in North America. We’ll be participating as an...
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FDIC, which stands for Fire Department Instructors Conference, is the largest firefighter conference and expo in North America, boasting over 34,000 attendees from all over the world in 2017! This year, it will be held April 23-28 at the Indiana...
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We attend a lot of great events each year. We’re also blessed to host some of our own. One such special event is our Annual Ambulance Sales Meeting. It’s an opportunity for us to catch up in person with our incredible dealer partners. Dealer...
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Ohio ambulance manufacturer, Braun Industries, will be participating as an exhibitor at EMS Today 2018. Also known as The JEMS Conference & Exposition, the event will take place February 21-23, 2018 at the Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte,...
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If you’re new to Fire/EMS or just looking to get a better understanding of the options offered by various ambulances manufacturers, one question you might have is “What’s the difference between a Type 1 and Type 3 ambulance?” Unlike many ambulance...
Read MoreMotown is a Braun Town: Detroit selected Braun as New Ambulance Manufacturer for 49 units
As an ambulance manufacturer, we’re always excited when we get a chance to work with a new department. Detroit Fire Department was no different! We will deliver 49 new ambulances to the city over the course of five years. In 2017, we delivered 14...
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Read MoreTagged for: Ambulance Safety, cn10, Change Notice 10, SAE
First to Market... Again!
Braun Ambulances is proud to announce we’ve been recognized by RAM Commercial as a Certified Q Pro Upfitter.
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